
Lost River Gemstone on the left and his son Lost River Hercules on the right

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well spent most of the night getting things ready to go to Michigan grouse hunting but I did find time to get Patch out for a little bit.  She is a ball of fire always in motion sometimes she is so full of herself she is hard to get her to concentrate on things but I got the wing on a string out and got her to point a few times I have attached some pictures of her she is exaactly 3 months old.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


  With hunting season just around the corner I have started this blog to keep anyone interested in how the season is going and how the ongoing training of Patch is going.  Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment or contact me via email.  Be sure to visit my websites at http://www.lostriverkennels.com/ and http://www.barebonesoutdoors.com/
Jim Beasley
Lost River Kennels